Go to From the WTF? Economy to the Next Economy
From the WTF? Economy to the Next Economy
How work, business, and society face massive, technology-driven change. A conversation growing out of Tim O’Reilly’s book WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up To Us, and the Next:Economy Summit.
Note from the editor

“WTF?” can be an expression of amazement or an expression of dismay. Our work, business and society face massive, technology-driven change. We are looking to share ideas about how best to shape that changing economy so that it is something to marvel at rather than to fear. Curated by Tim O’Reilly, in conjunction with the O’Reilly Next:Economy Summit and Tim’s new book, WTF? What’s the Future and Why It’s Up To Us, available from Harper Business on October 10.

Go to the profile of Mac Slocum
Mac Slocum
Senior editor and content director specializing in content marketing, thought leadership, and web strategy.
Go to the profile of Tim O'Reilly
Tim O'Reilly
Founder and CEO, O'Reilly Media. Watching the alpha geeks, sharing their stories, helping the future unfold.
Go to the profile of Bess Hochstein
Go to the profile of Yancey Strickler
Yancey Strickler
Author of “This Could Be Our Future: A Manifesto for a More Generous World”; Cofounder of Kickstarter; Bentoist; http://www.ystrickler.com
Go to the profile of nick hanauer
Go to the profile of Dan Auerbach
Dan Auerbach
Interested in fairness, transparency, security, large data sets, social interactions.
Go to the profile of megan quinn
megan quinn
General Partner at Spark. Previously: Investment Partner at Kleiner Perkins, built products for people @Square & @Google. I'm told I talk fast.
Go to the profile of Jerry Kaplan
Jerry Kaplan
Jerry Kaplan is widely known in the computer industry as a serial entrepreneur, technical innovator, bestselling author, and futurist.
Go to the profile of Zach Dunham
Zach Dunham
Sound design, Musician, Maker, co-founder @thepublicrad_io, @sfpc alum, works @kickstarter, more at www.zachdunham.com
Go to the profile of Steven Hill
Steven Hill
fmr Center for Humane Tech, NewAmerica, FairVote, author:“RawDeal &Uber Economy” “EuropesPromise“ ”10Steps toRepairUS Democracy” Steven-Hill.com @StevenHill1776
Go to the profile of Randy Pennington
Randy Pennington
Culture, transformation, and strategy nerd. Lover of great wine and bourbon. My day job is helping leaders deliver positive results in a world of uncertainty.
Go to the profile of Bobbie Johnson
Bobbie Johnson
Causing trouble since 1978. Former lives at Medium, Matter, MIT Technology Review, the Guardian.
Go to the profile of Zoë Baird
Zoë Baird
CEO and President of @MarkleFdn. Advocate for Americans, lawyer, business exec. She leads Rework America: a Markle Initiative.
Go to the profile of O'Reilly Radar
O'Reilly Radar
Insight, analysis, and research about emerging technologies from O’Reilly Media. http://radar.oreilly.com
Go to the profile of Evan Schneyer
Evan Schneyer
Entrepreneur, thinker, writer, coder. Not always in that order.
Go to the profile of HuffPost
Know what’s real.
Go to the profile of Robin Chase
Robin Chase
Now: Author of Peers Inc; co-founder Veniam, vehicle mesh & co-founder former CEO Zipcar. Focus on open solutions & real-time CO2 reductions
Go to the profile of Lukas Biewald
Lukas Biewald
I'm the founder of Weights & Biases. Previously founder of Figure Eight (formerly CrowdFlower).
Go to the profile of Palak Shah
Palak Shah
Social Innovations Director at @domesticworkers. Building a movement for Good Work in the online economy. Founding Director @FairCareLabs.
Go to the profile of John Hagel
John Hagel
I live and work on the edge — the views are breathtaking, the experiences deep and satisfying and the learning is limitless. www.johnhagel.com
Go to the profile of Roy Bahat
Roy Bahat
Head of Bloomberg Beta, investing in the best startups creating the future of work. Alignment: Neutral good
Go to the profile of John O'Duinn
John O'Duinn
#RelEng at scale @CivicActions. Author of #distributedteams. Mentor. Ex-@ObamaWhiteHouse, @usds, @codeforamerica, @Hortonworks, @Mozilla, @Oracle.
Go to the profile of Erik Larson
Erik Larson
Founder & CEO of Cloverpop. Internet software entrepreneur on a mission to make business decisions less painful and more right.
Go to the profile of Yannet Lathrop
Yannet Lathrop
Researcher and Policy Analyst @ National Employment Law Project. Views my own.
Go to the profile of Portable Benefits
Go to the profile of Tracey Grose
Tracey Grose
Change is the only constant. Examining impacts of new technology and change in the global economy, local community, energy, business and innovation systems.
Go to the profile of D. Arthur Sjoquist
Go to the profile of Carrie Gleason
Carrie Gleason
Director of the Fair Workweek Initiative, Center for Popular Democracy Fairworkweek.org | Populardemocracy.org
Go to the profile of Melonee Wise
Melonee Wise
Robot Ninja. Life long robot builder. CEO of Fetch Robotics. Co-creator of UBR-1, co-creator of the TurtleBot, and ROS developer.
Go to the profile of Ken Gordon
Ken Gordon
Content, Conversation, and Community Strategist at Continuum. Writer. Reader. Tweeter. Always at the keyboard.
Go to the profile of Marina Gorbis
Marina Gorbis
Executive Director, Institute for the Future; author, Nature of the Future. www.iftf.org
Go to the profile of Keith Anderson
Keith Anderson
Content & Knowledge Strategist, UX & Application Designer, Writer, Speaker, Almost Author. Lover of Fiction & Metal.
Go to the profile of Floown
With Floown You Always Know Who's Available for Work. The Social Productivity Platform: www.floown.com
Go to the profile of Esko Kilpi
Esko Kilpi
Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again. -André Gide
Go to the profile of Bill Jensen
Bill Jensen
Makes it easier to do great work. Hacks stupid work. Author. Speaker. Loves life, family, fun — everything that matters.
Go to the profile of Dave Craige
Go to the profile of Liz Elfman ♩♪♫♬
Go to the profile of Shelby Clark
Shelby Clark
Co-Founder/CEO @Peers. Founder @Turo. Early team member @Kiva. I spend a lot of time thinking about how connecting people online can improve the offline world.
Go to the profile of Reinvent Team
Reinvent Team
Reinvent was founded by Peter Leyden as a way to build out a diverse network of remarkable innovators to help find new ways forward to a better future.
Go to the profile of Colin Megill
Go to the profile of Sara Holoubek
Sara Holoubek
CEO of @LuminaryLabs. I like big, messy, industries in transition. And startups.
Go to the profile of William H. Janeway
Go to the profile of j.a.ginsburg
Go to the profile of Jennifer Pahlka
Jennifer Pahlka
Author of Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better, Fellow at the Federation of American Scientists
Go to the profile of Tomer Simon, PhD
Tomer Simon, PhD
Chief Scientist @ Microsoft Israel R&D Center. AI, automation, future of work, and quantum computing. Technology & innovation evangelist.
Go to the profile of Marjorie Kelly
Marjorie Kelly
Senior Fellow @democracycollab; director of ownership strategy @CuttingEdgeCap; author of Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution.
Go to the profile of Mike Loukides
Mike Loukides
VP Content Strategy, O'Reilly Media, pianist, ham radio op