I still stick to my argument regarding context.Micah M, thanks for your thoughtful comment. I would love to know more about your company and what it does. I just don't think you have…Mar 14, 20211Mar 14, 20211
Published inAge of AwarenessWhy AI Won’t Solve Content ProblemsContext is complex and everyone needs to understand it.Mar 3, 20213162Mar 3, 20213162
Algorithms are inherently bias.They are reflective of the UX and development world's ivory tower, isolated, self-congratulatory culture. Many decisions are made in a…Feb 25, 202166Feb 25, 202166
Published inFrom the WTF? Economy to the Next EconomyAbout that Shift BossBack in July, Tim O'Reilly posted about his What’s the Future (WTF) Conference, which is this week. O’Reilly’s article paints a picture of…Nov 9, 20152573Nov 9, 20152573
Agile as an Unwieldy Marching BandHere in north Texas, marching bands are large and competitive with their own cultures. My daughter’s high school band has around 260 kids…Oct 11, 201583Oct 11, 201583
Rediscovering FocusIt’s been a long time since I’ve sat down to actually write a serious blog post. If you don’t already know by my shameless self-promotion…Sep 21, 20151002Sep 21, 20151002
Context as Strategy: Under the InfluencesIt’s nearly impossible to provide a precise, technical definition for context. We understand it through its use rather than by…Aug 31, 201535Aug 31, 201535