Why Kamala Harris lost (a winnable election?)Charts showing the four factors that caused Harris to lose — and that point to what Democrats should do nextNov 24, 2024Nov 24, 2024
Should President Biden ask Congress to revoke Section 230?The Jan 6 attack on the US Capitol reveals the danger from digital media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Here’s what must be…Feb 20, 2021Feb 20, 2021
Voters beware: “Vote by mail” in key battleground states is a trapTo avoid a “red mirage” and safeguard the election, put on your mask and vote in-personOct 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
Beyond the valley of the gig economy‘Raw Deal’ author Steven Hill on Uber tech, the perils of the “California Ideology,” and the twilight of the elites.Jul 14, 2019Jul 14, 2019
Is Uber the Amazon — or the Enron — of the transportation industry?Uber has been promoting itself in its pre-IPO roadshow as the “Amazon of transportation,” but the comparison is misleading. CEO Dara…May 9, 20191May 9, 20191
A plan for San Francisco’s new mayor London BreedSan Francisco’s new mayor-elect, London Breed, has impressively risen from the most troubled of upbringings, wracked by poverty and urban…Jul 4, 2018Jul 4, 2018
Evasive Zuckerberg shows the Orwellian danger Of FacebookIs Mark Zuckerberg really in control of Facebook? Or is he a sorcerer’s apprentice that cannot handle his invention?Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018
Evasive Zuckerberg shows the Orwellian danger Of FacebookMark Zuckerberg’s testimony in front of 44 US Senators was chilling to watch. On display was Silicon “Catch me if you can” Valley vs. the…Apr 11, 20181Apr 11, 20181
Film review of “Company Town”: how tech steamrolled San FranciscoMany hipsters and “new tech” enthusiasts are enraptured by the so-called “sharing economy” and its leading companies, such as Airbnb, Uber…Oct 17, 20161Oct 17, 20161
I Had a Dream, in which FDR spoke to me: “Expand Social Security…as the core of a Portable Safety…It was a dream like no other. It awoke me, I looked at the clock, 3:37 am. Here’s what President Roosevelt said to me:Aug 18, 2016Aug 18, 2016
Why the Gig Economy is SputteringThe New York Times’ Farhad Manjoo recently wrote an oddly lamenting piece about how “the Uber model, it turns out, doesn’t translate.”…Apr 1, 20167Apr 1, 20167
Six Tech Trends to Watch — or Ignore — in 2016Separating the Hip from the Hype…Jan 5, 20161Jan 5, 20161
The Battle in Seattle for the soul of the Democratic Party — over UberPro-labor Democrats vs. anti-labor Democrats could lead to a rupture in a presidential election yearDec 18, 2015Dec 18, 2015
An open letter to Airbnb “regular people” hosts: Airbnb is selling you outAs San Franciscans contemplate Proposition F, a measure that would crack down on Airbnb rentals, I would like to address the “regular…Nov 3, 20152Nov 3, 20152
GOP candidates avoid the “economic elephant” in the room during CNBC debateCNBC held a GOP presidential debate that was billed as being focused on the subject of the economy. Instead, we found out that Donald Trump…Oct 29, 2015Oct 29, 2015
Published inGalleysIs Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky telling us the truth about his company?The third actor in this passion play is Mr. Brian Chesky himself, Airbnb’s 34 year old CEO and co-founder. A former bodybuilder and…Oct 19, 201513Oct 19, 201513
OMG!! Uber drivers would NOT lose their flexibility if they became regular employees!In the ongoing rhetorical and legal battle over whether sharing economy companies should treat their workers as independent contractors…Sep 25, 20152Sep 25, 20152
Published inFrom the WTF? Economy to the Next EconomyHow BIG is the GIG (Economy)?No one knows the true size of the on-demand economy. That’s a major problem for US workers.Sep 9, 20152Sep 9, 20152
Published inFrom the WTF? Economy to the Next EconomyOur streets as a public utility: How UBER could be part of the solutionWith an eye on future development, it becomes increasingly important to view our streets as a public utility, as much as our electricity…Sep 3, 2015Sep 3, 2015