Should Facebook Be Allowed To Give Away Free Internet in the Global South?The fight over free internet — and by extension, democracy, development, and net neutrality.Feb 2, 2016542Feb 2, 2016542
Published inBRIGHT MagazineYou Can Teach A Coal Miner To CodeHow miners are disrupting who can be a digital worker in Appalachia as the coal industry collapses.Nov 20, 20151072Nov 20, 20151072
Published inFrom the WTF? Economy to the Next EconomyWhat Coding Coal Miners Prove About the Future of Work“They’re blue-collar coders. That’s what they’re gonna be. We have to be what we are.” — Rusty Justice, founder of BitSource, a…Nov 19, 2015803Nov 19, 2015803
Help Me Interview Anne-Marie SlaughterHi, all you working parent diarists (Adriana Alvarez Laura Rich Kae Whitaker Nikki Usher Sam Remington Bonnie Nakash) who somehow found the…Nov 8, 2015316Nov 8, 2015316
Ashley Madison’s CEO Talked a Lot of Cynical Shit When I Interviewed HimBut I Didn’t Know How Much He Was Lying Until The HackAug 21, 2015814Aug 21, 2015814
Published inFrom the WTF? Economy to the Next EconomyShould The Gov Create a “Third Worker” Category?In an interview with the Secretary of Labor and his chief employment administrator, we found interest but not much commitment. We’re…Aug 14, 20151832Aug 14, 20151832
Published inMatterAre You Smarter Than Donald Trump?Then prove it by taking our quiz about sanctuary cities.Jul 16, 2015Jul 16, 2015
Published inOn DemandThe Many, Many Cases of the Woman Who Just Beat Uber“I’m enjoying my five minutes of fame.”Jun 17, 20157Jun 17, 20157
Published inMatterQuit Your Job and Go to WorkThe future of employment was meant to liberate us from the shackles of a 9-to-5. In fact, it’s leaving people in a semi-flexible purgatory.Jun 10, 201515Jun 10, 201515
Published inOn DemandIs Employing On-Demand Workers ‘The Right Thing?’A battle is brewing over whether app-summoned workers should be considered employees or contractors.May 20, 20157May 20, 20157