Learning Curve: Living (or not) with AliensTrade out the word “Artificial” for “Alien” and AI starts to make more sense. There is nothing fake about the intelligence, although there…Mar 31, 20235Mar 31, 20235
A Fork in the Future: Fighting Darkness with DesignThe Russian invasion of Ukraine changed the world. One year in and the lucky ones have only witnessed unspeakable atrocities, some…Feb 24, 202353Feb 24, 202353
Mad Bots: Generative AI Wants to Sell YouWhat happens when a bot (“Bottie!”) seems to know you so well, it can write a convincing love letter?Feb 23, 202348Feb 23, 202348
Max Headroom is RealOh good gracious. The predicted happened: “Deepfake” news anchors, aka “digital puppets,” that can be programmed to say whatever a…Feb 9, 20234Feb 9, 20234
The Art (& Tech) of the Message: from print to promptSeveral years ago, I curated a large exhibition on the evolution of the modern newspaper — the world’s first mass medium—as a graphic…Jan 29, 202312Jan 29, 202312
Ask the Next Question: from ChatGPT to Star Trek (via Davos, HAL & Cave Dots)After a week of Davos panels, furrowed-brow magazine articles and breathless podcasts, I have come to think that ChatGPT could be an…Jan 22, 20231Jan 22, 20231
seasons, seeds, past, soon…Two small vases filled with Trader Joe’s “filler” flowers are all that stand between me, sitting at the kitchen table, and a dreary January…Jan 19, 20231Jan 19, 20231
The Power, Peril and Truth about TechnologyI met Laura Forlano a couple of times when she was a professor at the Institute of Design. In 2018, I saw her lecture as part of the…Jan 16, 2023Jan 16, 2023
Flickers of (Applied) Hope: on alchemy, adjacencies, peripheral vision and the future“If it exists, it’s possible.” That quote by John Grier, a legendary Forbes editor, has served as a mantra for me this year. In the face of…Dec 19, 2022Dec 19, 2022
Flickers of Change: Epigenetics, Cymatics & RegenerationMy friend, a film buff, came up with the challenge: Connect the dots between a film — fictional or documentary — and the theme of…Feb 14, 2022511Feb 14, 2022511